SL No | Merchant Code | Company Name | Type of Merchant | Type of Facility | EMI Tenure | Agreement Date | Expairy Date | Renewal Process | Status | Call Center Number | Remarks |
25 | 025 | GITANJALI JEWELLERS | Jewelries | EMI | Up to 36 Months | 30/03/2022 | Until Further Notice | Auto Renewal | Live | 01678737707 | |
27 | 027 | GEMS JEWELLERS & GEMS STONE | Jewelries | EMI | Up to 36 Months | 13/04/2022 | Until Further Notice | Auto Renewal | Live | 01913488447 | |
34 | 034 | AL-HASSAN DIAMOND GALLERY LTD | Jewelries | EMI | Up to 36 Months | 15/06/2022 | Until Further Notice | Auto Renewal | Live | ||
48 | 048 | DIAMOND WORLD LTD | Jewelries | EMI | Up to 6 Months | 27/10/2022 | Until Further Notice | Auto Renewal | Live | 01841199299 | New |
68 | 068 | DABIR DIAMOND | Jewelries | EMI | Up to 36 Months | 25/03/2023 | Until Further Notice | Auto Renewal | Live | 01711051428 | New |
90 | 090 | ROYAL DIAMOND | Jewelries | 655 | Up to 36 Months | 30/05/2022 | Until Further Notice | Auto Renewal | Live | 01716942784 01772144475 |